At the World Travel Awards (WTA) gala last week named Norwegian the best low-cost airline in Europe
There are just over 650,000 voters in the travel industry that, since 1993, annual vote for the winners in various categories and this year voted Norwegian forward to the best low-cost airlines in Europe. It was a noticeably proud CEO, Bjørn Kjos, who spoke in a press release after the gala.
– This award means a lot to us, not only for the Norwegian and airlines but also for our committed and dedicated employees who should have the honor of that we have received this award. Every day they do their utmost for our travelers. Prize “Europe’s best low cost” proves that the new planes, good service and low prices are highly valued
Europe is a market that is heavily exposed to competition, according to the World Travel Awards are themselves award in this category among the heavier handed out at the gala. The award is the seventh company to be divided in a year. Among other SkyTrax appointed the company as Europe’s best low cost and best low cost in the long lines.
Det var ju lite oväntat, men tanke på alla ARN-anmälningar de fått. Kanske skulle Björn krypa till “Kojs” [Sic] som det står i artikeln istället och sova på frågan att få upp kvaliteten på antalet genomförda flygningar i tid?
Galen, står det i rubriken. Passande med tanke på att de inte följer ARN beslut!