Lufthansa är på offensiven igen och utöver att man byter ut stolarna på sina 106 långdistansflygplan, offentliggör bolaget att nya destinationer är en del av framtidsplanerna. Lufthansas uppgraderingsprogram… Continue Reading
Siste aktivitet
SAS med stor EuroBonuskampanj
SAS har precis dragit igång en kampanj, där du kan få stora rabatter på bonusresor och Diamond och Goldmedlemmar får ett litet försprång. I dag har SAS dragit igång en kampanj där man erbjuder riktigt… Continue Reading
Lufthansa introducerar wi-fi på kortare flygningar
Lufthansa, one of Europe’s largest airline, has long offered its passengers Internet access on long-haul flights. Now they have decided to offer the same services in the short and medium haul flights. … Continue Reading
Juleflyet – Ett flygplan kommer lastat med julglädje
Bonusfebers editorial trying now and then to focus on various charities and, among other things, we have established “Team Bonus Fever” at mikrolånnsorganisationen Kiva. With a little over… Continue Reading
Ny möjlighet för statusmatchning till Star Alliance
According to reports, it is now possible to match the status into the Star Alliance, if one has the status of other alliances or companies. If we are to believe the reports from the website,… Continue Reading
Intervju: Rickard Gustafson om allianser, SAS-krisen och flygbranchens framtid met SAS president, Rickard Gustafson, for a conversation about the significance of alliances, SAS crisis and not least the European aviation industry’s future. Gustafson also reveals… Continue Reading
Ny EuroBonuspartner – Etihad Airways
SAS EuroBonus is introducing a new partner. From today you can earn and use points at Etihad Airways, which opens up some interesting possibilities! Etihad Airways is one of three airlines in the Middle… Continue Reading
Intervju: Rickard Gustafson om nya långlinjer och basstrategi met SAS CEO Rickard Gustafson, for an exclusive interview about the new long-haul routes, SAS basic strategy and the importance of alliances. Here you can see the first part of the interview… Continue Reading
Lufthansa och Rimowa provar elektroniska bagagetaggar.
Rimowa og Lufthansa has begun testing an exciting concept that allows you to check in luggage using the phone. Lufthansa has asked 50 of its most frequent travelers to test a new concept developed by… Continue Reading
Airberlin deltar på Pop into Berlin – Res 2 för 1
Next week, you can get a taste of Berlin in Stockholm when “Pop into Berlin ‘visit Stockholm and in connection with this, airberlin’ happy hour ‘. During the period 21-27 / 9… Continue Reading