Lufthansa och Rimowa provar elektroniska bagagetaggar.

Rimowa og Lufthansa has begun testing an exciting concept that allows you to check in luggage using the phone. 

Lufthansa has asked 50 of its most frequent travelers to test a new concept developed by Rimowa and Lufthansa. The concept is that when checking in from home, get together with their electronic boarding card, even a luggage tag on the phone. Then you have to synchronize their Rimowaväska with your phone and get the bag to show “tag” on a small electronic screen outside of the bag. The next step is that, as usual, leave your bag at the bag drop and continue toward the security checkpoint. Initially this will only work if the first flight is with Lufthansa and function tests well, the new bag to be on the market during the first quarter of 2016. There is perhaps some of our readers running to the store to buy a new bag by Rimowa when the concept is rolled out fully? Originally written for by  Peter Krogh Frausing

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